Each new year at Darden, recruiting and career education begins with a burst of activity. Armed with self-awareness gained through pre-matriculation career programming, First Years are quickly introduced to the Career Center team in the opening days of Launch week. Meanwhile, Second Years returning from their summer internships reflect on their experiences and contemplate the next step toward post-graduation plans. Just over a month into the season, it is time to take stock of how far the students have come and what comes next.
Looking Back at Late Summer Career Education
The Darden Career Center prepares students for post-MBA career success through a flexible curriculum of workshops held during the opening quarters of the year. To jumpstart the year, all First Years are encouraged to attend Career Immersions where they are introduced to several common recruiting pathways students pursue. Our expert career coaches and student club leadership share expectations, tools to succeed in recruitment, resources around Darden and access to the Darden network.
Students will also participate in skills-focused workshops and explore targeted career paths to personalize and supercharge their recruiting.
Building Connections with Employers
These early recruiting weeks also introduce the cohorts to the opportunities available for their upcoming internships and post-graduation careers. The Darden Employer Engagement and Recruiting team worked closely with more than 70 employers to organize events to meet their hiring needs.
Here are a few of the strategic events available to companies to tap into Darden talent early in the recruitment process:
- Company Briefings: These events can be held in-person or virtually. Our team carefully deconflicts these events across Darden academic and co-curricular activities to maximize student attendance. Briefings provide a high-level overview of the company and common MBA-level roles available.
- Company Receptions: Firms are invited to make use of new function areas on Grounds at the Forum Hotel or around Charlottesville and offer the chance for representatives and students to engage in a more interactive manner.
- Office Hours and Coffee Chats: These conversations can be held in-person or virtually. Private rooms are available for employers in the Career Center Collaboration space allowing students and employers to conveniently connect on Grounds in small group settings.
Signature Events
The first four weeks concluded with three signature events: the career expos in Charlottesville and Darden DC Connections, held at UVA Darden DC Metro in Rosslyn, Virginia.
- Full-Time Job-Seeking Career Expos: This was a great first chance for companies to reintroduce themselves and share their full-time opportunities to the second year Full-Time and Executive MBA students and final year Part-Time students.
- Internship-Seeking Career Expo: This event was all about introductions. It was the first time many students met companies, tried out their networking skills, and learned about internships and MBA opportunities with familiar brands and firms.
- Darden DC Connections: Held at UVA Darden DC Metro, this networking event brought together alumni and representatives from 15 companies in the DC area to connect with more than 70 students from the Executive, Part-Time and Full-Time MBA programs. They shared what it was like to be part of the industry and offered a valuable new perspective on hiring and company culture.
- First Years gathered in the South Lounge to network with employers.
- Students learned about full-time roles available at the Expo held at The Forum Hotel
- At Darden DC Connections, the Darden community met with companies to get industry insights.
Looking Ahead to Autumn Career Activities
In the coming months, students in Rosslyn and Charlottesville will continue to expand their network, build relationships and pursue ambitious career opportunities with the support of the Darden community. Here’s a snapshot of what is in store:
- Even more company engagement through a vast array of recruiting events!
- The Consulting Club Conference
- Consulting Case Camp
- Week on Wall Street
- Tech Treks to Seattle and San Francisco
- Darden DC Tech Connect in partnership with Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology. Read about last year’s event >
- Retail and Luxury Goods Trek
- University of Virginia Investing Conference and Darden at Virginia Investing Challenge
Tap into Darden talent by connecting with the Darden Employer Engagement and Recruiting team. Or, post a full-time or internship opportunity directly to Darden Career Link and begin recruiting today.