Have you ever wanted to know what is was like to consult with an overseas client and then do a site visit to their international locale to learn first-hand of the challenges they are facing? Darden students can have this unique and transformative learning opportunity by participating in a Global Field Elective.  Three students that participated in the Philippines GFE in 2013 share their experiences and highlights of this international consulting engagement, led by professors Frank and Veronica Warnock.  This GFE focused on innovative approaches the private sector in the Philippines is taking to help alleviate poverty and unemployment in creative and sustainable ways. Students speak on how this GFE has changed their perspective on the world and how they applied the learning from the Darden classroom into real-world settings. For more information on GFEs and other international academic opportunities at Darden, please visit www.dardenglobal.org.

 Video: Darden Global Field Elective (GFE): The Philippines 2013