By Sabrina Liu

Darden’s Class of 2019 Executive MBA students recently completed their residency in China, with time in both Beijing and Shanghai. During the residency, students visited a variety of companies such Leyard Group and Satoni, engaging in discussions and hearing from leaders. Darden Professors Dennis Yang and Raul Chao taught courses focused on global economics and operations. The China Residency program also allowed students to actively engage with the culture and history of the country. They toured the Forbidden City, Great Wall, and The Bund. Here are a few highlights from the residency:

Students engaged with Dr. Ma Jun, Chief Economist, The People’s Bank of China, during a class session in Beijing on the first day of their residency.
Students gathered in front of the Forbidden City during their city tour in Beijing.
Barbara Millar, Assistant Dean of Darden’s Executive MBA program, gave a toast at dinner after the group visited the Great Wall.
Students enjoyed getting some hands on experience with virtual reality during their company visit to Leyard Group.
An employee of Satoni shows students new technology.
Students expressed their love of Shanghai with finger hearts.
Dinner at Lost Heaven on the Bund was a fun way to wrap-up the residency.