The Darden South Asia Society hosted a celebration of Holi on Sunday, April 10th for the Darden community. Holi, also known as the “festival of colors”, is a festival recognized across the Indian subcontinent celebrating the arrival of spring and the end of winter. For many, it’s also a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.
Holi is typically a festival celebrated with gulal, colored powder imitating the colors of spring. This year was no exception. Students, faculty and staff of all ages eagerly waited in line to receive handfuls of colored powder in shades of pink, red, blue, orange, purple and yellow. After the quintessential celebration of throwing powder in the air, students sang and danced with each other and shared good food in hope of brighter and warmer days ahead. Nirali Kansara, incoming president of DSAS, said it best:
Holi felt the perfect way to welcome spring with bright colors and a sunny day. It was heartwarming to see everyone, students and faculty alike, come together and celebrate this festival with us and indulge in our culture.
Overall, the event was a huge success with over 200 students in colorful attendance. It was an event to remember. See more colorful photos from the event below.