Future Year Scholars is our deferred enrollment program for exceptional college students. Here’s how it works: Apply as a college senior or a fifth year master’s student. Start after two, three or four years of work experience. Did you know there is no application fee for Future Year Scholars applicants? True story. We have two remaining Future Year deadlines – 1 May and 1 August – and we offer these options as a convenience to our applicants. We encourage you to target the deadline that aligns best with your timing and plans.
With our 1 May Future Year Scholars deadline right around the corner, Admissions Committee members, Taylor Fisher and Katherine Alford, and a GRE expert from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) recently hosted a webinar all about this test. Check out the recording below to learn more about the structure and design of the GRE, test-taking strategies and preparation resources.
The GRE is one of two standardized tests we currently accept in our Future Year Scholars application process. The other is the GMAT. Review our earlier blog post about the GMAT.