Darden Admissions is excited to announce the return of ‘Office Hours’, our faculty-focused webinar series co-sponsored by Darden Ideas to Action!
‘Office Hours’ features Darden professors in conversation about their recent publications, research interests as well as hot topics in the news. Discussions also highlight what the faculty love about teaching Darden students, the value of the case method and more. We have an exciting slate of faculty scheduled for the months ahead. Read on for registration links, as well as recaps of our earlier sessions.
Professor Ed Freeman
Friday, 8 October | 10:00 a.m. ET
Freeman is best known for his work on stakeholder theory and business ethics, in which he suggests that businesses build their strategy around their relationships with key stakeholders. His expertise also extends to areas such as leadership, corporate responsibility and business strategy. Since writing the award-winning book Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach in 1984, countless scholars, business leaders and students worldwide have cited Freeman’s work.
Professor Dan Murphy
Friday, 29 October | 10:00 a.m. ET
An expert in economics and public policy, Murphy researches the nature of consumer demand and its implications for market outcomes. His work addresses international issues and macroeconomics, including the determinants of cross-country price differences, the causes of fluctuations in the price of crude oil and the consequences of asymmetric economic growth.
Professor Marc Lipson
Friday, 19 November | 10:00 a.m. ET
An expert in equity market trading and institutional investing, Lipson focuses his research on market microstructure — the study of how market design and organization affect price formation and liquidity
Professor Toni Irving
Wednesday, 8 December | 10:00 a.m. ET
Irving has decades of experience across multiple interconnected disciplines, including finance, health care, academia, consulting, government, philanthropy and nonprofit management. At Darden, she teaches, writes and consults on topics ranging from leadership, organizational behavior, nonprofit management, cross-sector partnerships, social impact, corporate responsibility and business ethics.
Unable to attend the live sessions? Register anyway. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recording of the conversation. In addition, we will publish the audio recording via our Admissions podcasts – Experience Darden and The ExecMBA Podcast.
Interested in catching up on our earlier Office Hours conversations? Check out recap of our spring sessions below:
Office Hours #6 with Professor Lili Powell – Leading Mindfully and Building Resilience
This conversation touches upon Powell’s interest in mindfulness and resilience, as well as what she has learned from her work with healthcare providers. Powell also shares insights about how the COVID-19 pandemic has shaped and redefined the ways we communicate with one another. Powell is a member of the Communication faculty, and she also has a joint appointment with the UVA School of Nursing.
Office Hours #5 with Senior Associate Dean and Chief Strategy Officer Mike Lenox – The Business of a Sustainable Future
We talk with Lenox about what led him to Darden, why he thinks lecturing is dead, and why he’s so passionate about Darden’s high-engagement learning environment. Lenox also shares insights from his extensive work on climate change and sustainability, including findings from his recent books “Can Business Save the Earth” (2018) and “The Decarbonization Imperative” (2021), both from Stanford University Press. In addition to serving as Chief Strategy for the Darden School, Lenox is a member of the Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship faculty.
Office Hours #4 with Associate Dean for D.C. Area Initiatives Greg Fairchild (MBA ‘92) – Emerging Domestic Markets
Fairchild shares what it’s like to teach at Darden as an alumnus, why he’s passionate about entrepreneurship in rural and inner city communities as well as his work with the Resilience Project and the Darden Prison Program. Fairchild also reflects upon how his personal connection to the Tulsa Race Massacre has shaped his professional interests. Fairchild is a member of the Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship faculty, Darden’s Associate Dean for D.C. Area Initiatives and Academic Director of Public Policy and Entrepreneurship and was recently named Dean and CEO for UVA | Northern Virginia.
Office Hours #3 with Professor Dennie Kim – Opportunities and Challenges in US Healthcare Delivery
We talk with Kim about his background growing up in New York City, how he knew he wanted to be a teacher, what attracted him to healthcare and how COVID-19 has highlighted challenges and inequities in the US healthcare system. Kim also shares his advice for MBA students considering a career in healthcare. Kim is a member of the Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship faculty.
Office Hours #2 with Professor Kinda Hachem – Inflation, K-Shaped Recoveries and Cybersecurity Risk in the Banking System
Hachem reflects on growing up in Toronto, what initially sparked her interest in Economics, her “Economics of Money and Banking” course and more. We also check in about a number of hot topics in Economics, including the current U.S. debate about inflation, K-shaped recoveries on a global scale, the greatest current threat to the banking system, and the concept of a global corporate tax rate. Hachem is a member of the Global Economies and Markets faculty.
Office Hours #1 with Professor Rich Evans – SPACs, GameStop and the Challenge of BitCoin
We talk with Evans about his background, what led him to Darden, what he enjoys about teaching Finance through the case method and more. We also find time to hear Evans’ thoughts about a number of Finance-related “hot topics” – SPACs, GameStop, Bitcoin and the current state of the U.S. stock market. Evans is a member of the Finance faculty.
Check out faculty thought leadership published on Ideas to Action. And stay connected with us via social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, WeChat