Professor Yiorgos Allayannis joined the latest installment of “Office Hours,” Presented by Ideas to Action, where he highlighted his passion for teaching and case writing, as well as his work on Wall Street and in the field of Finance.

Allayannis is member of the Finance faculty and an expert in corporate finance, risk management, financial institutions and international finance. His work has examined the impact of derivatives on risk and firm value, corporate governance and its influence in a firm’s use of derivatives for hedging, as well as firms’ financial and operational hedging strategies.

Other work has examined volatility and its implications for firm value distinguishing between earnings and cash flow volatility. In this conversation, we spoke with Allayannis about what led him to Darden, teaching Finance through the case method, as well as his popular elective, “Financial Institutions and Markets.”

We also discuss a number of the cases he has written across a wide range of topics, including crypto, decentralized finance, green bonds, fintech and more.

Listen to the conversation on the Experience Darden podcast

Or, watch the recording on Vimeo

When it comes to educating the future leaders, it's our obligation, it's our duty, but it's also a blessing to be able to be in that position to shape somebody's future. We (faculty) take this very seriously, and I can't think of a better way to spend my life.

- Yiorgos Allayannis, Robert F. Bruner Distinguished Professor of Business Administration