Earlier this week, Director of Admissions Brett Twitty hosted a webinar exploring the structure of our Executive MBA Program.
Whether you’re just beginning to learn about our executive formats or you’ve been considering them for some time, this session is a great way to learn more about how the program’s various elements – Leadership Residencies, Weekend Residencies, Global Residencies and Distance Learning – fit into the program’s hybrid design.
Watch a recording of the session below, and be sure to download the full, 21-month program calendar for our Class of 2022 before reviewing the webinar (Brett walks through the calendar, from the program’s start date in August to Graduation in May 2022, during the session).
About Our Program
Our Executive MBA Program consists of two formats – our Executive MBA (EMBA) and our Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) – built upon a once-a-month weekend residency schedule. Both formats are 21-months in duration, and they are now more similar than ever.
At Darden, the only difference between our EMBA and GEMBA formats is the number of required global residencies. EMBA format students have one required week-long global residency, but may add additional global residencies for an additional fee (approx. $4200 per residency). GEMBA format students participate in four week-long global residencies. Residency locations include Chile, China, Israel, Ghana, Germany, Vietnam and more.
Earlier this year, we announced a number of exciting program updates, including expanded global residency locations, increased elective offerings and a simplified schedule. For additional insights about these innovations and more, be sure to check our recent podcast conversation with Director, Global Executive Programs, Ladi Carr.
And, last but not least, our next Executive MBA application deadline is 10 January. Targeting our January deadline? Join Brett on 6 January at 12:30 pm EST for an Executive MBA Application Tips webinar. During this session, Brett will share application insights and answer questions about our Executive MBA application process. Even if you’re unable to attend the live session, we encourage you to register. All registrants will be emailed a link to a recording of the webinar.