Do you have professional development benefit funds that will expire at the end of 2022? Don’t pass up an opportunity to put that valuable benefit to work to sharpen specific skillsets or accelerate your career growth.

You can register now for any of our upcoming spring 2023 programs and apply your 2022 benefit to secure your seat. Choose from a variety of management and leadership programs, including programs focused on areas such as business strategy, data analytics, mindful leadership, change management and behavioral decision making.

Earn your Certificate in Leadership & Management by completing four programs — offered online and in-person at Darden Grounds in Charlottesville or the Washington, D.C. metro area.

Allison Stratton Lauren Shifflett

Not sure which program to choose? Connect with one of our Lifelong Learning directors, Allison Stratton and Lauren Shifflett, who can help you evaluate and compare programs to choose the best fit for your needs. Be sure to connect with us by 16 December to get a consultation and help with registration before the new year.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

- William Butler Yeats

Why choose Darden? Hear from recent participants, Bobbie Terry and Debby Martin on how they came to Darden and earned their Certificate in Leadership & Management. Discover stories from participants Tom Englert, Tracey Sharma, Bob Alvarez and more by exploring our blog.

We look forward to welcoming you at Darden in 2023!