Registrar Introduction
This manual explains how to use the Darden Solutions® Online Course Registration system. The Registrar system is comprised of a website for Faculty, Students, and the Registrar. Usually run as a shadow application to a Central Campus solution, the Registrar system lets top business schools control their own courses, while still complying with the Central University’s need to be the system of record. Link to student manual
Registrar Administration
The Registrar’s Office uses the administrative data management system to:
- Create a customized set of rules to assist course enrollment
- Configure almost every piece of text in the system, code tables, email templates, menu items and application properties that make the system highly configurable
- Create and edit menu items
- Create and edit faculty evaluations
- Create customized reports
- Create phases for student interaction with the system. Those phases include bidding,
bidding on the waitilst, students placing on the waitlist, swapping, add/drop with or without conditional drops and read only. - Enroll and drop students from courses being notified of rule violations
- Establish and audit course and program requirements
- Import and export course, enrollment, grades and student data
- Maintain student records with over 50 different types of information, plus their degrees, education history, waivers and academic probation letters
- Manage and schedule courses
- Modify student schedules
- Post announcements to students and faculty
- Post class rolls on the Web
- Post course descriptions and other information on the Web
- Post schedules to the Web or through email to the students
- Customize student site with responsive design CSS
- Manage Grades for students
Student Site
Students make their course selections on the Web and have unlimited access to the following functions:
- Bid for courses, modify bid selection, bid for waitlisted courses
- Complete faculty evaluations
- Download course catalog
- Drop/Add or Swap classes throughout the academic year.
- Review all transactions made from the Web or Registrar’s Office
- Review course descriptions
- Update their address
- Review grades and section roster
- View announcements
- View current course activities
- View the individual student’s schedule of courses
- View/print enrollment reports to include required and pre-requisite courses
- Utilize the course planning tool to add courses to their cart, see a calendar view of the courses for which they are on the waitlist, enrolled or have bid on
Faculty Site
- Search for courses
- Create and edit faculty evaluation questions
- View a list of courses taught with enrollment roster. Export attendance to file
- View course enrollment activity
- View faculty announcements
- View faculty evaluation reports
- Enter student grades for courses
Course Planning Tool
- Modern UI (written in AngularJS)
- Brings together many disperate parts in one place for students: 1) peform actions like bid/add/drop, 2) See historical bid clearing prices 3) see historical evaluation information and 4) See all the information in a calendar view for bids, enrollments waitlists and carted items
Web Services API
- A variety of APIs to get data in and out of the system
Academic Qualifications
- Dillon fill in
- Canvas
- Admissions
- Built in Evaluations
- Evaluations have multiple questions per active instructor
Release Section
Link To Pre-release OLR-52 Video Presentation
Link To Release OLR-52 Video Presentation and Release Notes: OLR-52Finished
OLR-53 on 9-23-16
Link To Release OLR-53 Video Presentation (You may want to download it), Release Notes: OLR-53Finished and Release PPT: OLR-53Finished
OLR-55 on 10-17-17
Link To Release OLR-55 Video Presentation (You may want to download it), Release Notes: OLR-55Finished and Release PPT: OLR-55Finished
OLR-58 on 8-31-18 tickets in Jira
OLR-60 on 10-3-19 tickets in Jira or download 60 release zip file
Admin Helpful Links and Documents
- Consortium Implementations: London Business School, MIT, Chicago Booth, Kellogg, Simon, Darden, Columbia
- Kellogg Bidding Rules
- ERD of Bidding life-cycle BidLifecycle2014-10
- Student Videos
- Link to OLD manual
Admin Section
File Menu
Courses.Course Descriptions
Courses.Course Offering Periods
Courses.Course Offerings
Courses.Course Sections Part 1
Courses.Course Sections Part 2
Students.Program Versions
Courses.Phases Part 1 (Bidding)
Courses Automatic Waitlist Promotion
- If an admin enrolls a student off the waitlist and another course for which the student is enrolled has a time conflict then the student will be notified via email
Admin Drop and promote off waitlist
Create Export Set
Create Course Evaluation
Not Concurrent Rule
Registrar Date Sets and Schedule Conflicts Part 1
Registrar Date Sets and Schedule Conflicts Part 2
Registrar Course Attributes
Registrar Alternate Enrollments overview
Registrar Alternate Enrollments (resolve by offering in this video has been renamed to, “Include alternate section bids (same time, same instructor …) in the clearing price calculation”)
All bids are always processed by section first. The system is designed to resolve bids on the section the student chose first. Alternate section processing only comes into play if the section the student bid on fills AND they chose an alternate section choice (same professor, same time, any section). After all section bids are resolved, if there is space in another section of the same offering then the system will try to place them in the corresponding alternate section.
Registrar Students View Emails In Actions
Registrar Admin View Emails In Actions
Please see previous student video for complete information before viewing this one.
Academic Standards Letters
- Based on test in ticket OLR-1339
Registrar Admin Configure Better Looking Search Filters
Registrar WCAG 2.0 Compliance
- Run the AXE Chrome plugin on your own site because snippets can be non-compliant
- If you want to experience how a disabled person will experience your site then download
- For more information see OLR-1219
Registrar Hide Columns
Registrar phase actionable vs viewable and course section webview
Registrar Creating a Waiver
Registrar Stopping Students Who Have Not Paid Bill
set application properties studentRedirectOnLoginEnabled = FALSE and studensMustFirstReadDegreeRequirementsEnabled = TRUE.
Registrar Admin Bid For Student
Registrar Admin Upload Course Section Division Action Roles
ImportCourseSectionDivisionActionRoles doc
How Student Maxes Work During Add/Drop
During an Add/Drop Phase
- If a student is adding enrollment then only the student’s max_add_credits is checked.
- If a student is doing something with waitlist then only the max_waitlist_bid_and_add_credits is checked.
More Detailed summary during Add/Drop
- Additionally if the phase is configured with “Hide add action that would put student over max add credits” then the add action will not be shown if it would put the student over.
- During add/drop if the phase is configured with, “Place on waitlist for full division (only check prerequisites for students)” and the student’s max_waitlist_bid_and_add_credits is >= sum of the credits of the students enrollment + sum of the credits of waitlisted courses + credits of course to place on waitlist then the student will see the place on waitlist action.
Alternate section enrollments try to avoid time conflicts with existing enrollment during resolution
Subject Code
Updating Concentrations
Ticket OLR-1554
Upload Grades
Academic Qualifications
Technical Notes
Load Balancing
The point of this email is to reach out those Registrar customers that run registrar in a load balanced environment, and to describe program version caching. I thought I should send out more of an explanation of this. It has been asked a few times recently. Please feel free to email amongst yourselves if you have any questions about how each of the schools do it.
In the application we have many caches to prevent having to lookup data over and over that is largely static. There are these caches in the system found in the Registrar Admin.
CodeTablesCache – Registrar Code Tables
EmailTemplatesCache – Email Templates
EvalSectionsCache – Sections of Evaluations
MenuCache – The menus for the student and faculty websites
PhasesCache – The Phases in the Registrar system
ProgramVersionCache – The program version cache
RegionsCache – The Regions of states
ResourcesCache – Resources of the web
SnippetsCache – Snippets
In a load balanced environment if you change any of these BUT RESOURCES AND THE PROGRAM VERSION CACHE they should propogate to the other server in a load balanced environment. If you want to NOT have to restart the application server when the ProgramVersionCache needs to refresh then perform the next step.
If program version caching is on then you will see “PROGRAM VERSION CACHING IS [ON]” in <EAP6_HOME>\jboss-eap-6.0\standalone\log\server.log . However, if you implement the below and restart the application server then you will see “PROGRAM VERSION CACHING IS [OFF]” in the said same log.
You will need to add to your EAP6_HOME\bin\standalone.conf.bat (or standalone.conf on a unix machine) file somewhere in the JAVA_OPTS
rem JVM memory allocation pool parameters. Modify as appropriate.
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Dprogram.version.caching=false
In a multi-server system we do not want to use program version caching. If it is not there then it defaults to being on.
This will cause the system to query the database each time for the program version. This could cause more load on the system. So you will probably want to run a in house click/load test before and after making this change to make sure there are no problems.
Registrar System Periodic Checklist
- Check Collation level is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
- Shrink you Database log file regularly DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks2012_Log, 1);
- Check the App Server time and database time are in sync
- Archive how often? (RG?)
- logging level is set to info and not debug
- Rotation of logs from appserver
- JBoss as a service log size
- Check set “JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1303M -Xmx1303M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M in standalone.conf (Note 1303 can be up to 3GB)
- Reboot the appserver before a big usage.
- If they are running multiple VMs then set -Dprogram.version.caching=false
- ISAPI log size and rotation isapi
- Here are the steps you can follow to change the logging level when bidding is not online:
- On ProdCouWeb and DevCouWeb at a command prompt type regedit, go to the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0” and find the key “log_level” and change its value to “info”
- stop IIS
- open up the log file isapi_redirect.log and clear it out
- start IIS
- Go to the bidding homepage to get some data into the log
- logging level will no longer be at debug but info level
- IIS log size and rotation
Upgrading Registrar System
- After unzipping the file please go through the “readmes”
- On the server, after you have stopped the registrar windows service , delete the <EAP6_HOME>\standalone\tmp directory before restarting the service.
- On each workstation that runs the swing app run this before launching the new version
javaws -clearcache
javaws -uninstall
If you have problems still
javaws -viewer (close window) –>settings –> Delete Files –> all checkboxes
- Sample steps to upgrade to OLR_52_1
- Reminder: the server runs the latest Java 1.7.X because EAP6 requires it. But, the client can run 1.8.x
- The server requires two places the database name be configured:
EAP6_HOME\modules\conf\main\properties\ and
EAP6_HOME\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml - Download the latest version of registrar(ie )
- Synchronize your staging and production so that staging is running a fresh backup of production
- Stop the windows Registrar service in services.msc
- cd %EAP6_HOME%
- del standalone\log\server.log
- del standalone\log\boot.log
- del standalone\deployments\*.deployed
- rmdir /S /Q standalone\tmp
- unzip the downloaded zip file (ie
- in the zip file db directory (ie REGISTRARITERATION52_1_EAP6-jboss\db) you will find the upgrade scripts. You will need to run each one from the release you are on to the release you downloaded. (ie
registrar_schema_update_v52_to_v52_1.sql) - Resolve any errors
- In the db run Data_Update.sql
- Now you are done with the database stuff
- In the zip file find the file (IE REGISTRARITERATION52_1_EAP6-jboss\
- Make a back up of %EAP6_HOME%\modules\tapestry before replacing it with an unzipped version of the in the previous step
- Replace %EAP6_HOME%\standalone\deployments\<> with new one in the original zip file (ie REGISTRARITERATION52_1_EAP6-jboss\jboss\registrar-REGISTRARITERATION52_1_EAP6-jboss.ear)
- Start the windows service back up
- Check the logs have no errors.
- Large steps for set up
- latest DB is there and we can login as a sql user and tcp/ip enabled. Check in db select * from OLR_Application_Properties where name = ‘schemaVersion’
- EAP6.0 set up and talk to the database by configuring it. The server will need JDK 1.79,. But the client will need 1.8.X
- IIS configured to talk to EAP6 by the ISAPI filter
Clearing the Java Webstart Cache and how it works with Registrar Jars
Advanced Java Swing Administration
Add Exception to Java Webstart when Cert has expired on each admin machineThe InCommon certificate used to sign all our javacode just expired 11/7/19. So, you have to add the url to the java exception list until the next release.
By Default leave “Keep Temporary Files on my computer”
OLR_1353 Adding Kendo UI to registrar
Create a Dynamic Landing Page On Student Site
--Make an configurable landing page in registrar
--consider a page like http://localhost:8080/registrar-student/SnippetPage.tap?sp=CourseCatalogOverview
--1 find a template
select * from OLR_Snippet_Templates where template_name = 'SnippetPage.CourseCatalogOverview'
--2 insert a new template (ie SnippetPage.ConcentrationsOverview)
insert into OLR_Snippet_Templates
select 'SnippetPage.ConcentrationsOverview', 1,template_text from OLR_Snippet_Templates where template_name = 'SnippetPage.CourseCatalogOverview'
--3 check it was updated
select * from OLR_Snippet_Templates where template_name = 'SnippetPage.ConcentrationsOverview'
--4 update the admin application menu
--5 find a resources
select * from OLR_Resources where key_name = 'CourseCatalogOverview'
--6 insert a new resource
insert into OLR_Resources (context, key_name, resource_value) values ('SnippetPage','ConcentrationsOverview','Concentrations Overview')
--edit the resources and edit this one
Trouble Shooting your Registrar Application
Does the database connection from the App Server to the DB server work?
- Find the Redhat Enterprise Application server home directory (EAP6_HOME) where EAP6 is installed
- Open up EAP6_HOME\modules\conf\main\properties\ and
EAP6_HOME\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml and check the connection properties look correct - open up EAP6_HOME\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml and look for the text
“datasource jndi-name=”java:/RegistrarDS” pool-name=”java:/RegistrarDS” enabled=”true” use-java-context=”true” - find the username and password for the connection and check that you can login to the sql server as a sql user with that username and password
Does the temp directory and temp ear file need to be deleted?
- Find the Redhat Enterprise Application server home directory (EAP6_HOME) where EAP6 is installed
- open up EAP6_HOME\standalone\standalone\deployments\ and find the ear file
- stop the EAP6 service
- Delete the <EAP6_HOME>\standalone\tmp directory
- Delete the EAP6_HOME\standalone\standalone\deployments\*.deployed or *.undeployed files
- Delete <EAP6_HOME>\standalone\log\server.log and boot.log
- start the EAP6 service
- If you cannot operate the registrar application after this then please send the log file to Darden
REM run as admin REM use exact service Display name net stop "EAP6 running registrar" cd %JBOSS_HOME% del standalone\log\server.log del standalone\log\boot.log del standalone\deployments\*.deployed rmdir /S /Q standalone\tmp net start "EAP6 running registrar"
Did you accidentally deploy both the cas and non-cas ear file?
- Check the deploy directory only has one ear file
OLR_1519 Encrypt swing RMI traffic between SWING client and server